Mortgage Loan DeductionBoomed In The Market

After the mortgage loan interest rates fall below 1 percent, the expected movement and increase in housing demand was experienced during June and July, but despite this activity, housing prices did not increase. Following the Central Bank’s interest rate decrease we have seen a serious interest rate reduction campaign from public banks, and a rapid housing loan interest rates decrease and a large demand for housing loans.
Although the official housing sales figures for August were not announced, but according to the numbers announced by banks for the week between the 5th and 9th of August, 35.000 people demanded housing loans, and 14.000 new housing sales were realized with mortgage.In the given period, the number of housing loans used in one week was approximately 3 times that of the entire amount in July.
Real Estate experts think that it is the right time to buy, to take advantage of the opportunities of mortgage interest rates, by October before the seasonal effects of price rising take effect on the market.